Stranger: maybe
You: why not?
Stranger: eh
Stranger: its cold outside
Stranger: and besides i might need that glitter...
You: it's cold here too! but there's always a time to throw glitter!
Stranger: what if i need it
You: why would you need it?
Stranger: who knows. but just in case ya know?
Stranger: and besides
You: Yeah, for those moments when you just need some.....glitter.
Stranger: throwing around glitter?
Stranger: thats just wastefull
Stranger: some vampires might need it
You: What else are you going to do with glitter? glitter is meant to be thrown! Like confetti! what other purpose does it have?
You: Edward Cullen....FAIL.
Stranger: hm
Stranger: no. glitter is meant to be glit
Stranger: and sometimes ter'ed
You: If you were Ke$ha, glitter would mean EVERYTHING to you.
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: dont be putting money signs in peoples names
Stranger: who do you think you are
Stranger: ben franklin?
You: I didn't put it there! Ke$ha did!
Stranger: so
Stranger: i might of ran a red light today, but no on else behind me did
Stranger: one*
Stranger: her name is Ke_ha
You:'re saying that I should just refer to her as Kesha?
Stranger: not that
You: Ke_ha?
Stranger: yes
You: Why?
You: But now we're just putting another symbol in her name...
You: an underscore
Stranger: its an empty space, until she puts in a damn letter
Stranger: thats okay because it shows that you need to put a letter there
Stranger: so it wouldnt be mistaken for ke ha
You: Why can't she have it her way?
Stranger: kinda like lights on a runway
Stranger: what do you think this is BK?
You: She's Ke$ha...I mean.....Ke_ha
Stranger: well youre not working right now
You: .....i was five hours ago.
Stranger: so until you work and shes in your damn burger joint, then say Ke_ha
Stranger: and i dont like her, she reminds me of wolves
You: what? SHE'S AMAZING.
You: Her music is catchy and she's actually really smart and has some songs that actually have meaning.
Stranger: ha
Stranger: butterflys are catchy
Stranger: and monkeys are smart
Stranger: and my comp 2 essay has meaning
You: ....what are you getting at?
Stranger: absolutly nothing
Stranger: i only like her music when im going really fast in my car
You: All I wanted was to throw some glitter D:
You: that's the best time to listen to it!
Stranger: last time i enjoyed her music was
Stranger: 2 weeks ago when me and a friend were going 70 miles an hour in reverse on a main road
You: that is a very bad idea.
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: if we correlate those events
You: how do you do that?
You: isn't there like....traffic?
Stranger: ke_ha causes bad things to happen
Stranger: not at 2 am in the morning
Stranger: oh and my friend and i were wearing suits
You: SHE IS NOT Ke_ha!
You: that is really random....
You: You're crazy, Stranger.
Stranger: as i told you
Stranger: no one is above letters
Stranger: oh we had good reason
You: but she's Ke.... $ha
You: what reason?
Stranger: i dont know you well enough to get into the dynamics of reverse driving and suits
Stranger: thats where i draw the line
You: i'm curious!
Stranger: the line in the sand
Stranger: one might say
You: this aint no beach!
Stranger: the sandy line
Stranger: you dont need a beach for there to be sand
You: You're just jealous that you're not above letters.
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: my gf is calling
Stranger: totally ignoring it
Stranger: of course i am
You: Well, that's kind of rude O:
You: You're talking to some random girl on omegle, but you're ignoring your girlfriend's call...
Stranger: this is more important, the cursade of letters, she'll understand
Stranger: and besides i texted her
You: I sure hope so.
You: Otherwise Ke....ha would have caused your break up.
You: How old are you anyway? xD
Stranger: well im old enough to drive, but i dont have a bachlers
Stranger: so id reckon 16-22
You: Oh alright. You're tricky.
You: Soooo. Person of age 16-22, why are you above letters?
Stranger: oh im not
Stranger: i agreed with me being jealous
Stranger: its this jealousy that causes my hatred of all non conformists to letters
Stranger: $&@&%!
You: Well, that is sad. I must say I'm jealous as well. But I cannot hate Ke_ha.
Stranger: that would be my name
You: That looks like a cuss word.
Stranger: if i was a silly non conformist
Stranger: and stop trying to loook me up
You: ....look you up?
You: This aint yellow pages.
Stranger: damn right, its more white pages
You: I just find this conversation interesting and was wondering if we were the same age. For arguments sake, ya know?
You: Oh...right. Failure on my part.
Stranger: how old are you
You: You didn't tell me straight up how old you were.
You: I'm between 16-22 too.
Stranger: you work at burger king
Stranger: so yea at least 16
Stranger: prehaps
Stranger: 18
Stranger: you seem to like ke_ha
Stranger: that lowers you
Stranger: and you like being above letters
Stranger: lowers you more
Stranger: so id say better 16-19
Stranger: on the more 16 side
You: Hmmm, you have an interesting deformed sense of logic.
You: I am older than sixteen.
Stranger: you called it logic, thus you agree with the princple if you agree with the princple you argee that it makes sense
Stranger: hm
You: it does make sense, yet it is slightly flawed.
You: 16-19 was correct though.
Stranger: id have to say 17 or 18
Stranger: GF: what are you doing
Stranger: me: arguing with someone
Stranger: GF: with who?
Stranger: me: no clue, but they dont like letters,
Stranger: GF:......dont hurt them too bad, call me soon
You: You must have a reputation for being evil.
You: And your age assumption is correct.
You: I have no idea how you did that, but I am impressed.
Stranger: id say 18 50/50 shoot
You: 17, but 18 in April.
Stranger: eh close enough
You: I suppose.
You: I figure you for older.
You: than me.
Stranger: what makes you say that
You: The way you talk, I suppose. If you're younger, I'd be shocked, although I guess it's possible.
You: Then again, I have much better grammar, but that ultimately can mean nothing.
Stranger: yea that just means im playing pokemon, on one tab, fb on the other. stumbleupon on another, collegehumor, on the next, and then omegle on this one
You: And also, I never said I was above letters. I said Ke_ha was.
You: love stumbleupon<3
You: I have facebook, my rpging website and my email and fanfiction up and I'm fine.
You: You guessed my age, next you'll be guessing my name.
You: Yikes.
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