Why is it always the quiet people that get shunned once they finally speak up? And this time I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the really sweet, Laura Swanoski. But I understand how she feels...
So, today Laura and I woke up at 11:47. Our plan was to be out of the house and in canal by noon! Everyone else was already up! And then it started to thunderstorm! We played two hours of apples to apples, ate Toy Story and Spongebob mac and cheese and laughed about nothing in particular. Vikram ran through the house and up the stairs with only a towel on. We were waiting for Jess and Caitlin to show up and Syd and Aubrey decided to go to Walmart because we wanted to have dessert wantons. And then Vikram was all like "ZUMBA!" and he left. We think he just came for the milk. So, while they were gone, Jess showed up. Laura, Alex, Jess, Tarissa, and I went on the trampoline. (Note: Never try to shorten the word trampoline, because then it is tramp. I had said, 'I haven't been on a tramp in a long time!" in which Jess replied with, "I was last month!" Then we went down to the lake and Caitlin came down with us after discovering the house was empty. Vikram also returned in time for the viewing of many plastic silverware videos which apparently I can only call spoon videos. Then Tarissa, Laura and I just had to watch Pretty Little Liars and when one of the characters said 'legit' Tarissa was so excited. Her facial expression was amazing. And don't forget the constant Mean Girls quote. "YOU DON'T EVEN GO HERE!" And then...Well, we got on the subject of Justin Bieber after all the spoon videos and we decided to make one of us killing Justin Bieber. So we all 'spoonified' ourselves and filmed a video of us killing Justin Bieber by cutting off all of his hair. Some of the main questions of the video were, "Is Caitlin mexican?!" and "Why is Dane even in the movie?" (Note: He was killed off. Actually, snapped in half after we found out he was a belieber. GASP.) Laura wanted to go to Africa a lot and called it a country, when in fact, it is a continent. Justin Bieber had to make a public service announcement about it in which Aubrey used Alex's voice changer on his iphone to make her sound like a little girl (Or a chipmunk....or Justin Bieber.) My throat hurts from laughing.
What have I learned today? Caitlin is NOT mexican. She's persian.
More tomorrow. Laura is reading over my shoulder. (: (NOTE: She thinks I want to say something bad about her.)
Laura Swanoski is....
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