Today I decided I like my shampoo. Is that all I have to say? Well, mostly.
22 days. And he showed up today to let me know he was okay. That eased my worries. Left me...more sure of things somehow. Yet it's still not enough. But it has to be, for now. Because it's all I've gotten really since mid-June. And I'm going to hold onto it, because I know it's not his fault. The circumstances are unbearable sometimes, but I'm going to hang in there for him. Because I know I couldn't stop feeling this way if I tried. I just want to talk daily, to know what's going on with him again, to just...not have to wonder all the time. I want to have something new to say about him. A conversation we've had. Rereading old messages makes me happy and sad at the same time to the point I almost don't know what to do with myself.
What am I doing? It's not Tuesday. Fail.
Didn't understand? I didn't expect you to.
The people I thought cared, don't. It seems like it's all about them. They don't care enough to ask how I am. The last time I saw her I was in tears and she was getting out of my car. Who asked me if I was okay? Her boyfriend.
Didn't understand again? Didn't expect you to.
"Why give up, why give in? It's not enough, it never is.
So I will go on until the end,"
-Breaking Benjamin
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