Day one of the three day retreat has come to a close. I'm really glad to have been invited. I know I was definitely a nervous wreck before and I am still definitely a bit nervous, but I must say that Laura overall has kept me the most calm. Because she's more shy as well. We spent the day running random errands and stocking up on food. Then we went to Aubrey’s house and had a celebrity burning party. Most of the ones we burned were of Justin Bieber. XD Sorry Ayana. :) Then we somehow managed to fit the nine of us in the hot tub. We also ordered Chinese food and this girl I just met named Tarissa sure says the word 'legit' a lot. "It was legit." about everything. And then there's Vikram who didn't bring pants to sleep in, so he was just walking around in his boxers until Aubrey lent him a pair of Victoria's Secret pants, Alex who has really weird stories to tell and has an addiction to urban dictionary, Jess who has been deemed a lurker, Laura my more quiet companion, Catlin who I don’t know very well and Sydney who is just way too entertaining and who gave Aubrey a really elaborate birthday present. Tomorrow is the second day and we’ll see how that goes, but for now I’m getting some sleep. Oh and blogging from your phone fails.
"I hate aquatic plant life!" -Vikram Gill
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