50 hours when I clocked out today.
Still got a migraine. That's nothing new. What pisses me off the most is that it won't leave. And I just got all of my ideas sorted out for this new plot and I really want to start writing. Every time I sit down to write, my head is throbbing and I just can't get the words to flow right. It's really pissing me off. My neck is swollen all the time. And I just want to scream. Either that, or chop my head off. I already suggested to one of my coworkers that he do so, but he said no because it'd get him arrested.
I just want it to go away. I want to have a clear head so I can sit down and right or enjoy the nice weather outside or times with my friends. Speaking of the weather, heat advisory tomorrow? If it's 95 degrees because of humidity I might just die at work, just sayin'. Or die in general, since you know, my house doesn't have air conditioning.
Seriously. All I want...is for my headache to disappear. And for things to be right for Jamie for once. Too much to ask? I guess so.
And you know what? I'm starting a project. I'm going to buy a freakin' journal and fill it with random shit. It doesn't have to look nice, doesn't have to be perfect. I want it to be messy and filled with thoughts, because that's what my mind is like: Chaos. IT WILL HAPPEN.
Anyway, my head is throbbing. I told my mom I'd sleep like three hours ago. Why do I fail? And why do I keep having nightmares?
Good question.

18. Aspiring Writer. Book Devourer. Full-Time Nerd. Disregard my obsession with TMI Series, Ke$ha, keys and glitter. I'm totally normal. x]
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Dear Migraine;
Stop making my neck swollen
My eyelids heavy
My head throb
And stalling my writing.
I hate you.
My eyelids heavy
My head throb
And stalling my writing.
I hate you.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
So let's review;
1.) I closed last night and then picked Jamie up at one a.m. and we proceeded to stay up until 8 a.m. and fall asleep for two and a half hours.
2.) We brainstormed ideas all day, looked up mythological creatures, came up with names and plots, skyped with Janis and ate at Burger King.
3.) I've been fighting a MAJOR migraine since yesterday afternoon and my neck likes to swell.
4.) Today was my ONLY day off this week.
5.) The weather is amazing. 73 degrees? AWESOME.
6.) I really don't want to work tomorrow.
7.) I think I sorta kinda like Corey.
9.) Oh and I saw Morgan three days in a row and it was amazing, only now I think her phone was taken away and she's in major trouble.
10.) I scratched the Masquerade plan as cool as it was.
11.) I have an amazing plot to write into a story and I'm hoping it goes well because it's something I've wanted to write forever.
^^ These pocket watches are a huge part of this plot and story I'm starting. :D I'm excited. I'm going to map out stuff tonight and start writing.
2.) We brainstormed ideas all day, looked up mythological creatures, came up with names and plots, skyped with Janis and ate at Burger King.
3.) I've been fighting a MAJOR migraine since yesterday afternoon and my neck likes to swell.
4.) Today was my ONLY day off this week.
5.) The weather is amazing. 73 degrees? AWESOME.
6.) I really don't want to work tomorrow.
7.) I think I sorta kinda like Corey.
9.) Oh and I saw Morgan three days in a row and it was amazing, only now I think her phone was taken away and she's in major trouble.
10.) I scratched the Masquerade plan as cool as it was.
11.) I have an amazing plot to write into a story and I'm hoping it goes well because it's something I've wanted to write forever.
^^ These pocket watches are a huge part of this plot and story I'm starting. :D I'm excited. I'm going to map out stuff tonight and start writing.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Too much working, plots, wisdom teeth and Morgan binges;
My teeth hurt. As in, my wisdom teeth that are coming in and REALLY hurting my mouth. It feels like I have fangs poking through, not that I would know what that feels like or anything. (Jamie would find that funny considering she calls me Fangsy).But seriously, it hurts to eat. And it's swollen and I'm scared as hell to have them taken out later.
My grad party went fine, despite my mom's worries. There wasn't a ton of people,but there wasn't five either, so it was good. I'm really kinda sorta excited because my mom's friend knows a guy in publishing who she's going to try to talk to for me, which could be a step in getting published, and we all know that's my dream. I just hope something comes out of it. Even advice on how to get started to get published.
I can't explain how wonderful it is to have someone back in your life who seemed to be missing for so long. I've been on a three day Morgan binge and I'm totally okay with that. Plus, she's helped me piece ideas together for the new story I started. I'm hoping it goes somewhere and I don't try to make it too complicated because that's where I give up.
I feel like a work-o-holic. Burger King needs to hire more people. Guess I just need to think about the fact that come that paycheck, I can buy myself something nice. Or some nice things. Besides, my coworkers are always interesting, so why not see them six days a week? Still seems a little too much to me.
Wow, my blogs are so mundane...
Well, it is Mundie Monday. HAHAHA.
I have a problem with TMI series...
Considering I am now married to Simon on Facebook...
My grad party went fine, despite my mom's worries. There wasn't a ton of people,but there wasn't five either, so it was good. I'm really kinda sorta excited because my mom's friend knows a guy in publishing who she's going to try to talk to for me, which could be a step in getting published, and we all know that's my dream. I just hope something comes out of it. Even advice on how to get started to get published.
I can't explain how wonderful it is to have someone back in your life who seemed to be missing for so long. I've been on a three day Morgan binge and I'm totally okay with that. Plus, she's helped me piece ideas together for the new story I started. I'm hoping it goes somewhere and I don't try to make it too complicated because that's where I give up.
I feel like a work-o-holic. Burger King needs to hire more people. Guess I just need to think about the fact that come that paycheck, I can buy myself something nice. Or some nice things. Besides, my coworkers are always interesting, so why not see them six days a week? Still seems a little too much to me.
Wow, my blogs are so mundane...
Well, it is Mundie Monday. HAHAHA.
I have a problem with TMI series...
Considering I am now married to Simon on Facebook...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sunshine and Masquerades;
Blogging seems kind of random lately and about nothing in particular.
I guess this one isn't either. Oh well?
I get to see Morgan for three days in a row. <3 That never happens. I've spent so long without her. It's so nice. Grad party tomorrow as well. Let's hope that turns out well, since half of my extended family isn't even coming. Kind of hurts, but I can't dwell on it, I suppose.
Enough said.
Good day.
I also changed the title of my blog, along with the URL and the banner at the top.
Guess I was just feeling a change. One was needed.
I also have the weekend off from work, which is much needed.
I felt like I was seeing my coworkers way too much. As in way more than my family or friends.
It was annoying...
On an amazing note, I started something new...as in writing. I'm not sure what the title is yet and I only have the basics of the plot figured out, but I went with the masquerade idea. And I'm really excited about it. Janis and Jamie are two of the main characters in it and I'm really feeling it. I just hope it goes well.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
^^ Now that this is officially done, I have to start something else. I'm just itching too. Only...I really don't know what to write about this time. I need a basic idea before I do anything and so far the only things that seem to be floating around in my mind for ideas are:
-Alternate Universes
-Gay teens
-Someone living with an anxiety disorder
There are also several old stories in notebooks I want to try to restart and rewrite because they were interesting... I just don't know which one to do. GAH. And I need to write. Writing is what makes me, well, me.
This means, however, that I must get together with Morgan soon. It just needs to happen. NOW.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I am so sick of work....
So this is what everyone else at work feels like...
Not to mention I'm tired, crabby and my mother is incredibly rude today.
So this is what everyone else at work feels like...
Not to mention I'm tired, crabby and my mother is incredibly rude today.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I haven't posted in a while...
So therefore, here are some random thoughts/things that have occurred to me:
-My sleeping pattern is so effed up from learning to close. I can't sleep until like four a.m. every morning/night
-Burger King after hours is weirder than Burger King during normal hours, which is weird already
-It needs to be warmer outside
-Caitlin's TMI series texts she sends me are amazing
-I love my friends
-Half-ass apologies on Facebook the night before you leave for South Carolina when we were friends for over ten years are lame and unaccepted.
-Must. Write. Simon/Jace. Fanfiction. Now.
-I'm really excited to RPG on roleplaygateway.com
-League of Legends is legit
-Immortal Nights MMORPG is way too addicting
-The Canucks should have won
-My sleeping pattern is so effed up from learning to close. I can't sleep until like four a.m. every morning/night
-Burger King after hours is weirder than Burger King during normal hours, which is weird already
-It needs to be warmer outside
-Caitlin's TMI series texts she sends me are amazing
-I love my friends
-Half-ass apologies on Facebook the night before you leave for South Carolina when we were friends for over ten years are lame and unaccepted.
-Must. Write. Simon/Jace. Fanfiction. Now.
-I'm really excited to RPG on roleplaygateway.com
-League of Legends is legit
-Immortal Nights MMORPG is way too addicting
-The Canucks should have won
Saturday, June 11, 2011
My paperback copy of my book is literally the most amazing thing I've ever held in my hands. Despite the fact that there a ton of formatting errors that make it not look like an actual book on the inside and the pages aren't numbered, because for some reason I forgot to do that when I submitted it in, it's amazing. <3 And I'm going to love it. Because it's my work. In my hands. I CAN HOLD MY WRITING IN A PRODUCT. Just sayin'. So eh, I'll deal with the crappiness of parts of it, because it was really hard to submit it in and I did a pretty damn good job. xD
Oh and closing was interesting...but now I feel wired. It should be nine o'clock, not two thirty a.m?!
Oh and closing was interesting...but now I feel wired. It should be nine o'clock, not two thirty a.m?!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friends, Summer, College, Lasertagging and....Delis?
I realized last night that I've been failing at blogging lately. It's like ever since graduation happened, my mind cant' wrap around the fact that it's summer and that I don't have to go back to that high school in the fall. Maybe it's because the weather is crappy (barely 60 degrees) or maybe it's because I expected something more from graduation. I mean, I already have my college schedule. So you think it would set in, but it hasn't. I honestly have no clue.
All I know is, come August, I HAVE to be ready. To say goodbye to three people I love as they move onto college. It's going to be tough. Especially when you just became really close with them in the past year, but they have to go. They're being brave. Brave enough to follow their dreams and get out of this small, cold Wisconsin town. I applaud them for that.
I feel like all of us are so afraid this summer. We want to make all of these plans, but we're all so afraid because we know what is coming. We can't stay concentrated on that. We just can't...
I realized a lot of this sitting in Laura's kitchen yesterday with her and Janis, eating mac & cheese and singing at the top of our lungs, just before we went to Adventure Zone. (Which was really FUN by the way.) Laser tag was awesome, although little boys kept shooting us every where we turned. It gave me a huge adrenaline rush and I honestly don't remember the last time I got one of those. Plus, I sorta won a thousand tickets from one token in a machine at the arcade and stood there dumbfounded as they kept pouring out of the machine. I got a stuffed monkey with 600 of them and gave some to Laura and the rest to a little girl. :)
Plus, I'm super stuck on my TMI fanfiction that Jamie and I are working on next for our next contest. I can't seem to find a way to start it and I need some inspiration.
Other than that, I just woke up from the strangest dream. And it was creepy. Because in my dream I kept saying, "This is ridiculous. This isn't real. I'm dreaming" over and over again, but I wouldn't wake up. In my dream I couldn't remember what time I started work today. I KNOW a closing shift starts at 5, but for some reason, in my dream I was confused. (I think I had this dream because I'm nervous about closing tonight for the first time. Even though it's just training). Anyway, when I got to Burger King to check my schedule in my dream, the WHOLE place was different. IT WAS A DELI. And I have no freakin' clue why. It was called Salami King.... and it was the strangest thing EVER. I freaked out at Heidi and was just like "I have to close tonight! Where's the schedule?! Where are the burgers?" and she just kept shrugging and saying "I dunno what happened" and then Courtney kept texting me being like, "We don't have to work tonight now. Let's go partying!" And it was just really really odd....
Anyway, long rambling blog for the win?
Tonight should be interesting.
Seven and a half hours at Burger King, a lot of them spent with Tanner and Heidi.
Hopefully I don't epic fail somehow.
Just sayin'
All I know is, come August, I HAVE to be ready. To say goodbye to three people I love as they move onto college. It's going to be tough. Especially when you just became really close with them in the past year, but they have to go. They're being brave. Brave enough to follow their dreams and get out of this small, cold Wisconsin town. I applaud them for that.
I feel like all of us are so afraid this summer. We want to make all of these plans, but we're all so afraid because we know what is coming. We can't stay concentrated on that. We just can't...
I realized a lot of this sitting in Laura's kitchen yesterday with her and Janis, eating mac & cheese and singing at the top of our lungs, just before we went to Adventure Zone. (Which was really FUN by the way.) Laser tag was awesome, although little boys kept shooting us every where we turned. It gave me a huge adrenaline rush and I honestly don't remember the last time I got one of those. Plus, I sorta won a thousand tickets from one token in a machine at the arcade and stood there dumbfounded as they kept pouring out of the machine. I got a stuffed monkey with 600 of them and gave some to Laura and the rest to a little girl. :)
Plus, I'm super stuck on my TMI fanfiction that Jamie and I are working on next for our next contest. I can't seem to find a way to start it and I need some inspiration.
Other than that, I just woke up from the strangest dream. And it was creepy. Because in my dream I kept saying, "This is ridiculous. This isn't real. I'm dreaming" over and over again, but I wouldn't wake up. In my dream I couldn't remember what time I started work today. I KNOW a closing shift starts at 5, but for some reason, in my dream I was confused. (I think I had this dream because I'm nervous about closing tonight for the first time. Even though it's just training). Anyway, when I got to Burger King to check my schedule in my dream, the WHOLE place was different. IT WAS A DELI. And I have no freakin' clue why. It was called Salami King.... and it was the strangest thing EVER. I freaked out at Heidi and was just like "I have to close tonight! Where's the schedule?! Where are the burgers?" and she just kept shrugging and saying "I dunno what happened" and then Courtney kept texting me being like, "We don't have to work tonight now. Let's go partying!" And it was just really really odd....
Anyway, long rambling blog for the win?
Tonight should be interesting.
Seven and a half hours at Burger King, a lot of them spent with Tanner and Heidi.
Hopefully I don't epic fail somehow.
Just sayin'
Monday, June 6, 2011
It's been a while...
Holy shit.
These past few days have been insane.
I graduated.
I stayed up all night.
I was delusional.
I slept at Jamie's.
I went to Alex's grad party.
I came home and couldn't sleep.
I went to college orientation.
And now I can't sleep again, although I'm exhausted.
Tomorrow I have to register for classes.
Friday I learn how to close at BK..
When I got up this morning, I was confused as to why nobody was home.
Then I remembered my summer vacation has already started.
I should be sleeping.
But instead I'm eating Ben & Jerry's icecream.
These past few days have been insane.
I graduated.
I stayed up all night.
I was delusional.
I slept at Jamie's.
I went to Alex's grad party.
I came home and couldn't sleep.
I went to college orientation.
And now I can't sleep again, although I'm exhausted.
Tomorrow I have to register for classes.
Friday I learn how to close at BK..
When I got up this morning, I was confused as to why nobody was home.
Then I remembered my summer vacation has already started.
I should be sleeping.
But instead I'm eating Ben & Jerry's icecream.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Today marked the last day of my high school career.
It hasn't sunk in.
When will it sink in?
Why hasn't it sunk in?
I graduate tomorrow.
It hasn't sunk in.
When will it sink in?
Why hasn't it sunk in?
I graduate tomorrow.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Burnt my hand?
Sigh. The only day I work for almost like two weeks and I burn myself and end up having to go home. I fail and it hurts sooo fucking bad. That was the worst shower ever...considering I had to shave my legs and my hand was burning so much. xP
Tomorrow is the last day of high school.
I can't comprehend.
It'll sink in eventually and I'll be crying...
Tomorrow is the last day of high school.
I can't comprehend.
It'll sink in eventually and I'll be crying...
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