Stranger: maybe
You: why not?
Stranger: eh
Stranger: its cold outside
Stranger: and besides i might need that glitter...
You: it's cold here too! but there's always a time to throw glitter!
Stranger: what if i need it
You: why would you need it?
Stranger: who knows. but just in case ya know?
Stranger: and besides
You: Yeah, for those moments when you just need some.....glitter.
Stranger: throwing around glitter?
Stranger: thats just wastefull
Stranger: some vampires might need it
You: What else are you going to do with glitter? glitter is meant to be thrown! Like confetti! what other purpose does it have?
You: Edward Cullen....FAIL.
Stranger: hm
Stranger: no. glitter is meant to be glit
Stranger: and sometimes ter'ed
You: If you were Ke$ha, glitter would mean EVERYTHING to you.
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: dont be putting money signs in peoples names
Stranger: who do you think you are
Stranger: ben franklin?
You: I didn't put it there! Ke$ha did!
Stranger: so
Stranger: i might of ran a red light today, but no on else behind me did
Stranger: one*
Stranger: her name is Ke_ha
You:'re saying that I should just refer to her as Kesha?
Stranger: not that
You: Ke_ha?
Stranger: yes
You: Why?
You: But now we're just putting another symbol in her name...
You: an underscore
Stranger: its an empty space, until she puts in a damn letter
Stranger: thats okay because it shows that you need to put a letter there
Stranger: so it wouldnt be mistaken for ke ha
You: Why can't she have it her way?
Stranger: kinda like lights on a runway
Stranger: what do you think this is BK?
You: She's Ke$ha...I mean.....Ke_ha
Stranger: well youre not working right now
You: .....i was five hours ago.
Stranger: so until you work and shes in your damn burger joint, then say Ke_ha
Stranger: and i dont like her, she reminds me of wolves
You: what? SHE'S AMAZING.
You: Her music is catchy and she's actually really smart and has some songs that actually have meaning.
Stranger: ha
Stranger: butterflys are catchy
Stranger: and monkeys are smart
Stranger: and my comp 2 essay has meaning
You: ....what are you getting at?
Stranger: absolutly nothing
Stranger: i only like her music when im going really fast in my car
You: All I wanted was to throw some glitter D:
You: that's the best time to listen to it!
Stranger: last time i enjoyed her music was
Stranger: 2 weeks ago when me and a friend were going 70 miles an hour in reverse on a main road
You: that is a very bad idea.
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: if we correlate those events
You: how do you do that?
You: isn't there like....traffic?
Stranger: ke_ha causes bad things to happen
Stranger: not at 2 am in the morning
Stranger: oh and my friend and i were wearing suits
You: SHE IS NOT Ke_ha!
You: that is really random....
You: You're crazy, Stranger.
Stranger: as i told you
Stranger: no one is above letters
Stranger: oh we had good reason
You: but she's Ke.... $ha
You: what reason?
Stranger: i dont know you well enough to get into the dynamics of reverse driving and suits
Stranger: thats where i draw the line
You: i'm curious!
Stranger: the line in the sand
Stranger: one might say
You: this aint no beach!
Stranger: the sandy line
Stranger: you dont need a beach for there to be sand
You: You're just jealous that you're not above letters.
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: my gf is calling
Stranger: totally ignoring it
Stranger: of course i am
You: Well, that's kind of rude O:
You: You're talking to some random girl on omegle, but you're ignoring your girlfriend's call...
Stranger: this is more important, the cursade of letters, she'll understand
Stranger: and besides i texted her
You: I sure hope so.
You: Otherwise Ke....ha would have caused your break up.
You: How old are you anyway? xD
Stranger: well im old enough to drive, but i dont have a bachlers
Stranger: so id reckon 16-22
You: Oh alright. You're tricky.
You: Soooo. Person of age 16-22, why are you above letters?
Stranger: oh im not
Stranger: i agreed with me being jealous
Stranger: its this jealousy that causes my hatred of all non conformists to letters
Stranger: $&@&%!
You: Well, that is sad. I must say I'm jealous as well. But I cannot hate Ke_ha.
Stranger: that would be my name
You: That looks like a cuss word.
Stranger: if i was a silly non conformist
Stranger: and stop trying to loook me up
You: ....look you up?
You: This aint yellow pages.
Stranger: damn right, its more white pages
You: I just find this conversation interesting and was wondering if we were the same age. For arguments sake, ya know?
You: Oh...right. Failure on my part.
Stranger: how old are you
You: You didn't tell me straight up how old you were.
You: I'm between 16-22 too.
Stranger: you work at burger king
Stranger: so yea at least 16
Stranger: prehaps
Stranger: 18
Stranger: you seem to like ke_ha
Stranger: that lowers you
Stranger: and you like being above letters
Stranger: lowers you more
Stranger: so id say better 16-19
Stranger: on the more 16 side
You: Hmmm, you have an interesting deformed sense of logic.
You: I am older than sixteen.
Stranger: you called it logic, thus you agree with the princple if you agree with the princple you argee that it makes sense
Stranger: hm
You: it does make sense, yet it is slightly flawed.
You: 16-19 was correct though.
Stranger: id have to say 17 or 18
Stranger: GF: what are you doing
Stranger: me: arguing with someone
Stranger: GF: with who?
Stranger: me: no clue, but they dont like letters,
Stranger: GF:......dont hurt them too bad, call me soon
You: You must have a reputation for being evil.
You: And your age assumption is correct.
You: I have no idea how you did that, but I am impressed.
Stranger: id say 18 50/50 shoot
You: 17, but 18 in April.
Stranger: eh close enough
You: I suppose.
You: I figure you for older.
You: than me.
Stranger: what makes you say that
You: The way you talk, I suppose. If you're younger, I'd be shocked, although I guess it's possible.
You: Then again, I have much better grammar, but that ultimately can mean nothing.
Stranger: yea that just means im playing pokemon, on one tab, fb on the other. stumbleupon on another, collegehumor, on the next, and then omegle on this one
You: And also, I never said I was above letters. I said Ke_ha was.
You: love stumbleupon<3
You: I have facebook, my rpging website and my email and fanfiction up and I'm fine.
You: You guessed my age, next you'll be guessing my name.
You: Yikes.

18. Aspiring Writer. Book Devourer. Full-Time Nerd. Disregard my obsession with TMI Series, Ke$ha, keys and glitter. I'm totally normal. x]
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Not going to put meh as the title....oops.
I can't form coherent sentences lately.
They kind of sound like this:
"I was just....I...yeah. I don't know....nevermind."
I fail.
And I just totally froze and got tears in my eyes when I heard The Man Who Can't Be Moved.
Go me.
They kind of sound like this:
"I was just....I...yeah. I don't know....nevermind."
I fail.
And I just totally froze and got tears in my eyes when I heard The Man Who Can't Be Moved.
Go me.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I've been way too tired lately. I think it's because I'm stressed. But I really shouldn't be. Why am I so easily freaked out by everything? It's like I get more than five things I need to do and suddenly I need to make to do lists and I freak out that I'm not going to finish everything. It's stupid really...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I have this strange nagging feeling that I'm going to snap. I don't know what it was about today. It's not like it was particularly horrible or anything. I guess I'm just annoyed. My mind feels kind of crowded, preoccupied with things that are weeks and months away. (Senior project presentation, All Time Low Concert, turning eighteen, graduation). I need to concentrate on just getting through tomorrow...
I'm sooo tired.
I'm sooo tired.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thoughts of the Day:
What happens when you die?
Why is it when you want someone to notice you, they ignore you, but when you want someone to ignore you, they never leave you alone?
I think the reason why I'm keeping myself together so well is because of the amazing friends I have. When you take the time to rid your life of the people who are only bringing you down, suddenly everything seems a whole lot brighter.
My friends make me so happy that I want to cry.
I have messed up dreams.
You can move to South Carolina.
I'm excited for the new semester. One half of my senior year is over.
My coworkers singing 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt is really scary.
What happens when you die?
Why is it when you want someone to notice you, they ignore you, but when you want someone to ignore you, they never leave you alone?
I think the reason why I'm keeping myself together so well is because of the amazing friends I have. When you take the time to rid your life of the people who are only bringing you down, suddenly everything seems a whole lot brighter.
My friends make me so happy that I want to cry.
I have messed up dreams.
You can move to South Carolina.
I'm excited for the new semester. One half of my senior year is over.
My coworkers singing 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt is really scary.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Finalsss. :P
Okay, so I guess today could have turned out a lot worse. So, I looked like the living dead, a zombie if you will. So I had an excruciating headache all day and my eyes watered, so I had bags under my eyes and I was pale? I still went.
Finals could have went worse. I got C's on both I took today, which in the long run didn't impact my grade too much. I'm still getting an A for the semester in Geology and I don't know about Economics because I still have a make up quiz left and the other half of the final, but I'll probably end up with a B. I just want the second semester to start already and I want to feel better. That'd be nice. Especially since I went over my days for this semester that I could be gone and my spanish teacher wouldn't let me turn in my homework because I was considered unexcused, but every other teacher had no problem. Must be because it's an honors course...Oh well.
The only word I can think of that somewhat accurately describes how I feel seems to be...
Finals could have went worse. I got C's on both I took today, which in the long run didn't impact my grade too much. I'm still getting an A for the semester in Geology and I don't know about Economics because I still have a make up quiz left and the other half of the final, but I'll probably end up with a B. I just want the second semester to start already and I want to feel better. That'd be nice. Especially since I went over my days for this semester that I could be gone and my spanish teacher wouldn't let me turn in my homework because I was considered unexcused, but every other teacher had no problem. Must be because it's an honors course...Oh well.
The only word I can think of that somewhat accurately describes how I feel seems to be...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sick. Stressed. End of semester. Still coping. My brain hurts. Mmm, Ice cream. Took nyquil. Gonna sleep. Want to feel better. Blah, goodnight.\
^^ Intelligence.
^^ Intelligence.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I went to a hockey game today. It was fun. These sound like kindergarten sentences. I'm too tired to say much else other than...
I don't know.
I like Ke$ha and I'm tired and....I don't know the right word anymore. Goodnight.
I don't know.
I like Ke$ha and I'm tired and....I don't know the right word anymore. Goodnight.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I signed up for a man but you are just a bitch;
"Grow A Pear" by Ke$ha owns my life right now.
Why is it that the only thing that somehow makes me feel alive is listening to her music? helps me function better?
I don't know. Fail. I'm so tired...
Why is it that the only thing that somehow makes me feel alive is listening to her music? helps me function better?
I don't know. Fail. I'm so tired...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The look on my face, my blood shot eyes;
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A chill in my soul since you've been gone;
I thought I had made progress, but it's almost as if I took once step forward and 9849712984298420984 steps back. It's not fair. I can't even put my make-up on because I keep crying. I need to concentrate on other things, but right now I lack that ability.
It's all I can think about. And there's nothing anybody can say anymore, nothing I can say anymore. It's like all of our words have been stolen. And the only one who needs to speak right now is him. I don't like these ups and downs... It's a constant struggle.
Then it's no one's birthday today.
Maybe she's right. Maybe I need to think like that.
So why do I feel the need to tell him happy birthday and that I love him? But yet I want to scream at him at the same time and tell him to go fall in a black hole?
No idea.
It's all I can think about. And there's nothing anybody can say anymore, nothing I can say anymore. It's like all of our words have been stolen. And the only one who needs to speak right now is him. I don't like these ups and downs... It's a constant struggle.
Then it's no one's birthday today.
Maybe she's right. Maybe I need to think like that.
So why do I feel the need to tell him happy birthday and that I love him? But yet I want to scream at him at the same time and tell him to go fall in a black hole?
No idea.
Saturday, January 8, 2011

This needs to happen again. Janis did such a wonderful job of curling my hair. I need to invest in a new curling iron. I didn't even know my hair could do that! (:
I am way too obsessed with my hair. IT NEEDS TO GROW.
I am extremely tired in other news. In a half hour, it will be January 9th which means a certain somebody turns 17. Why does this bother me so much? Part of me wants to be like "Happy Birthday Douche Bag" and the other half of me is screaming at him to show up.
Oh, my life...
Oh, my cousin's life...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Work SUCKS! I know!
Scratch that. I'm definitely not dying my hair again any time soon. Time to let it fade back I decided. I received some major hair therapy from Janis today.
And I finally stood up for myself today. I finally gave someone a piece of my mind. I'm proud of myself.
In other news, la cascara de banana is banana peel in spanish.
Yeah, today was a fail. But work was interesting. My coworkers are interesting. Very interesting. We played old school music really loud and sang along to Blink 182, Britney Spears and Three Doors Down. It was really entertaining.
Oh and it took me forty five minutes to win Sea Battle on skype with Emily.
And I finally stood up for myself today. I finally gave someone a piece of my mind. I'm proud of myself.
In other news, la cascara de banana is banana peel in spanish.
Yeah, today was a fail. But work was interesting. My coworkers are interesting. Very interesting. We played old school music really loud and sang along to Blink 182, Britney Spears and Three Doors Down. It was really entertaining.
Oh and it took me forty five minutes to win Sea Battle on skype with Emily.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
At least that's what my mom would say. It's back to barely hitting my shoulders. My hair got so damaged. It was breaking and falling out and it wouldn't do anything because it was so thick and tangly. I loved the length, but I hated how it was. And it's too short. Maybe it'll look better when I blow dry it tomorrow morning, but I'm bummed right now. My hair is too thick to have it that long and now I have to wait a bit for it to grow out a little because she had to cut off all the unhealthy hair. /:
I care way too much about my hair, don't I?
I want long curly hair.
So why can't I DAMNIT?!
This is what I want it to look like again from July:

Of course, not that color. That's my natural hair color. Whoa, right?
At least that's what my mom would say. It's back to barely hitting my shoulders. My hair got so damaged. It was breaking and falling out and it wouldn't do anything because it was so thick and tangly. I loved the length, but I hated how it was. And it's too short. Maybe it'll look better when I blow dry it tomorrow morning, but I'm bummed right now. My hair is too thick to have it that long and now I have to wait a bit for it to grow out a little because she had to cut off all the unhealthy hair. /:
I care way too much about my hair, don't I?
I want long curly hair.
So why can't I DAMNIT?!
This is what I want it to look like again from July:

Of course, not that color. That's my natural hair color. Whoa, right?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"Dude, my own dad won't kill me. That's like, child abuse." -My brother while playing Call of Duty.
He's so smart that he doesn't know that's MURDER. Ahh fail...
Oh and Justin Timberlake, I get that you're bringing sexy back. I do, but you didn't have to tell me four times today on the radio.
Pointless blog. Yup.
He's so smart that he doesn't know that's MURDER. Ahh fail...
Oh and Justin Timberlake, I get that you're bringing sexy back. I do, but you didn't have to tell me four times today on the radio.
Pointless blog. Yup.
Monday, January 3, 2011
"I think we all just need to grab a damn pitchfork and get over ourselves. Light some torches, run them down with our tractors." -I Reckon It's A Southern Zombie Plague RPG
"I'd mind my own business if you stopped sassin' me 'bout everythin'. Actin' like you're a whole lot smarter just cuz you were named after literature. I'm older!" -I Reckon It's a Southern Zombie Plague RPG
Today I got asked if I got crunk over winter break. I am still contemplating how I should have answered such a question...but my response was, "Uhm, I don't think I'm really one to get crunk."
I didn't know people actually used that term. But apparently it means crazy drunk. Thanks girl in my Spanish class with your fake tan and your weird vocabulary...
"I'd mind my own business if you stopped sassin' me 'bout everythin'. Actin' like you're a whole lot smarter just cuz you were named after literature. I'm older!" -I Reckon It's a Southern Zombie Plague RPG
Today I got asked if I got crunk over winter break. I am still contemplating how I should have answered such a question...but my response was, "Uhm, I don't think I'm really one to get crunk."
I didn't know people actually used that term. But apparently it means crazy drunk. Thanks girl in my Spanish class with your fake tan and your weird vocabulary...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Another suicide sunday;
I'm pretty sure nyquil gave me the weirdest dream ever last night...
Anyway, I really don't want to go to school tomorrow...but I guess the end of winter break means I'm that much closer to graduation? I'm going to try and look at it that way.
I really have to listen to the song Suicide Sunday by Friday Night Boys every sunday, don't I?
I have nothing to say.
Anyway, I really don't want to go to school tomorrow...but I guess the end of winter break means I'm that much closer to graduation? I'm going to try and look at it that way.
I really have to listen to the song Suicide Sunday by Friday Night Boys every sunday, don't I?
I have nothing to say.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Let me burn the night away;
I think I beat my cold pretty fast this time around, either that or I have allergies. This is no reason for me to blog, but I felt the need to and I really don't have anything to say, other than...well, yeah. Nothing.
I keep listening to There For Tomorrow in itunes. I forgot how much I loved this band. I'm tired and yet I'm not.
I took nyquil again and that means I'm bound to experience weird dreams about zombies and the government...
I don't know what to say.
New Years Resolution:
Edit my book?
I love how it has a question mark at the end, maybe then I'm not fully committing to it. In any event, I'm going to write more. That's my new years resolution.
I love you?
Maybe he should have added a question mark at the end too, because then maybe it would have meant he wasn't fully committed to me.
I fail...
Disregard all of this.
I keep listening to There For Tomorrow in itunes. I forgot how much I loved this band. I'm tired and yet I'm not.
I took nyquil again and that means I'm bound to experience weird dreams about zombies and the government...
I don't know what to say.
New Years Resolution:
Edit my book?
I love how it has a question mark at the end, maybe then I'm not fully committing to it. In any event, I'm going to write more. That's my new years resolution.
I love you?
Maybe he should have added a question mark at the end too, because then maybe it would have meant he wasn't fully committed to me.
I fail...
Disregard all of this.
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